Выпуск № 4 (16) / декабрь

Научно-педагогические исследования Кулагин Д. Ю., Пустоваченко Н. Н. Особенности деятельности педагогов в цифровой образовательной среде (на примере Калининградской области)Снопок М. С., Жариков Д. С. Институт классного руководства: запрос, реализация, дефициты…

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Natalia V. Vaskina, Ludmila S. Golubeva. Experience of information and communication technologies (ICT) competencies formation of future educators of preschool educational institutions

Natalia V. Vaskina, Ludmila S. Golubeva  Experience of information and communication technologies (ICT) competencies formation of future educators of preschool educational institutions Abstract. The requirements of the teacher’s professional standard…

Продолжить чтение Natalia V. Vaskina, Ludmila S. Golubeva. Experience of information and communication technologies (ICT) competencies formation of future educators of preschool educational institutions

Irena V. Ivleva. Modern forms of professional pedagogical skills improvement as a part of the Regional project “For the pupils of the XXI century”

Irena V. Ivleva Modern forms of professional pedagogical skills improvement as a part of the Regional project “For the pupils of the XXI century” Abstract. The article summarizes the realization…

Продолжить чтение Irena V. Ivleva. Modern forms of professional pedagogical skills improvement as a part of the Regional project “For the pupils of the XXI century”