Dear authors,
to apply for publication, please

  1. press the button «APPLY FOR PUBLICATION» on homepage or in the «To Authors» section;
  2. fill in all mandatory fields, including the last name, first name, patronymic of the author(s) of the manuscript, e-mail address of the author (main contact person), cell phone number of the author (main contact person), and select a subject area from a drop-down list;
  3. download two documents — a consent to personal data processing and a consent to personal data processing allowed for distribution by the subject of personal data, print, fill in, scan and attach them (Note, within seven days signed originals of the consents should be sent to the journal editorial office at the following address 236016, Kaliningrad, 19 Tomskaya street);
  4. attach a manuscript;
  5. tick the boxes to confirm that the author(s) are familiar with the requirements for the manuscript format, agree with the terms of the License Agreement, review procedures, and the Code of Ethics of the journal’s editorial board;
  6. press the button «SUBMIT».

Requirements for the Format of a Manuscript (Article, Methodological Recommendations and Guidelines)

Requirement StatementRequirement Description including Sequence of Steps
Content UniquenessOriginal, previously unpublished materials are published in the journal. Content uniqueness should be at least 85% (based on the results of the full version of the Anti-Plagiarism system)
Number of AttemptsThe author(s) is/are allowed to submit only one manuscript per issue. The number of attempts to submit to each issue is limited to two attempts
Number of AuthorsThe number of authors cannot exceed three
Manuscript LengthThere are from 15 000 to 40 000 characters (with spaces). Bibliography and appendixes are not included in the volume of the article manuscript
Manuscript FormatThe text of the manuscript is typed in Microsoft Word. The orientation is portrait. Margins are normal (top 2 cm, bottom 2 cm, left 3 cm, right 1.5 cm). The font is Times New Roman, type size 14. Paragraph indent — 1.25 cm, single line spacing, alignment — by width
Intertextual ReferencesReferences in the text of the article are given in square brackets (when citing directly — with the source number and page / page range of the source). Each source from the list of literature should be cited in the text of the manuscript with an intertextual reference
UDCThe UDC index according to the classifier ( is indicated before the text of the manuscript, in the upper left-hand corner, in bold
TitleAfter the UDC index, the title of the article should be given in straight bold font, aligned to the left. Full stops are not allowed at the end of the title.
Information about Author(s)

After the title of the manuscript, abbreviated information about the author/authors is provided:

  • first name, patronymic, last name of the author/authors (in full) on a separate line for each author (in bold);
  • place of work of the author/authors;
  • city and country of residence of the author/authors;
  • e-mail address of the author/authors.

Information about the place of work (study), city and country of residence, e-mail addresses are indicated after the names of the authors on different lines and are linked to the names using superscript numeric designations (1, 2, 3). The e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence is marked with an envelope sign (🖂)

Abstract, Keywords, Acknowledgments

The presence of an abstract (from 150 to 250 words) and keywords (from 3 to 10 concepts) is obligatory. Keyword (phrase) should correspond to the topic of the article and reflect its subject, terminological area. Generalized and polysemantic words, as well as phrases containing participial phrases and concepts exceeding three words are not used.

After the keywords (at the discretion of the author), an «Acknowledgments» section may be provided, intended to express gratitude to all who contributed to the research or preparation of the article

Abstract and KeywordsAn abstract (150 to 250 words) and keywords (3 to 10) are mandatory. Keywords (word combinations) should correspond to the topic of the article and reflect its subject and terminological field. Do not use generalized and polysemantic words, as well as word combinations containing participles and terms exceeding three words
Information about the manuscript and the Author(s) (in English)

After the basic information about the manuscript in Russian, additional information in English should be provided:

  • title of the article;
  • first name (in full), patronymic (initials), last surname of the author/authors;
  • place of work of the author/authors;
  • city and country of residence of the author/authors;
  • abstract and keywords;
  • acknowledgments (if available in Russian).

The formatting of information in English corresponds to the formatting it in Russian, including the use of superscript numerals and the envelope sign

Illustrative MaterialsEach illustrative material provided in the text of the manuscript must be referenced in italics. Each illustrative material must have a name, which is indicated either above the material (for tables) or below the material (for figures, diagrams, photographs, screenshots) in the following format: Table N — Table Name; Figure N — Figure Name. For figures containing foreign inscriptions, it is necessary to indicate the translation in a footnote (indicating the wording: “author’s translation”). Illustrative material must be presented in an interactive format (with the option to edit): diagrams and charts must be presented using the “Diagram” or “SmartArt” elements. When using raster images, it is necessary to additionally send them by e-mail to the responsible secretary in high resolution (acceptable formats: PNG, JPEG).
List of References

The list of references is obligatory, should be compiled in alphabetical order according to GOST R 7.0.5 (Russian National Standard) and should be given at the end of the manuscript. The list of off-text bibliographic references includes entries only for resources that are mentioned or cited in the main text of the manuscript.

Examples of the list of references design

Appendix (optional part of the manuscript)The appendix is placed after the list of references. Large supplementary materials (tables, figures, questionnaires, etc.) can be placed in an appendix. The appendix should be referenced inside the text of the manuscript (in italics). No more than one appendix may be included
Additional information about the author/authors

After the appendix, additional information about the author/authors must be provided in Russian and English:

  • first name, patronymic, last surname of the author/authors;
  • information about the academic degree (if any), academic title (if any) of the author/authors.
  • place of work of the author/authors indicating the position and structural unit (if any)

You can get acquainted with the finished «Example of the manuscript design», and also download the design template in DOCX format.