Antonina I. Smolyar, Tatyana N. Chernomyrdina

Questionnaire “Inclusive education” in the examining of students’ readiness for psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process

Abstract. The article substantiates the relevance of diagnosing the readiness of future teachers for psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the conditions of inclusive education. The authors present such readiness as a complex personal education, characterized by the desire and ability of the teacher to develop students in an inclusive environment; to succeed in teaching demonstrating personal creativity; to use knowledge about inclusive education and characteristics of professional activities in inclusion, about the characteristics of children with different educational needs to include children in appropriate activities for their development and communication; to build constructive interaction. Based on the analysis of works available in the scientific literature and conducted by the authors of the study, a set of complementary methods for examining such readiness is presented. The article contains not only a detailed characteristics of the author’s questionnaire “Inclusive education”, but also questions, a description of the procedure for evaluating answers. The authors pay attention to the fact that the questionnaire can be used at the initial stage of diagnosis by teachers of a pedagogical university and the methodological service of inclusive educational institutions in order to get quickly a general idea of the readiness of future and young teachers for psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in inclusive educational institutions. The questionnaire consists of five scales, its questions allow to determine the level of formation of the five components of the studied readiness: cognitive, motivational, emotional-volitional, operational and creative.

Keywords: questionnaire, inclusive education, examining, psychological and pedagogical support, educational process, students with disabilities.