Timofey V. Zasypkin, Oleg A. Malkov, Olga A. Zasypkina

Health preservation as a modern issue in the educational environment

Abstract. The article provides an overview of health preservation issues in the educational environment, with particular attention to higher education. The authors note that health plays an important role in a person’s life, so targeted work to preserve it should be carried out in the educational environment, in particular. The article discusses the peculiarities of health preservation in higher education institutions, with a focus on physical culture and sports. Physical education classes have a purposeful impact on the process of physical development and improvement of vital physical qualities and abilities of a person, as well as they contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle. One of the highlighted aspects is the problem of implementing health-preserving support through medical and biological methods in the training process of sports teams in educational institutions. The educational and training process in sports sections is primarily aimed at preparing for competitions, and the health indicators of athletes directly affect their results. In light of this, the authors of the article emphasize the importance of conducting health-preserving support for the educational and training process of athletes. Analyzing these problems, the authors of the article come to the conclusion about the necessity of studying the issue of health-preserving support for national teams in educational institutions.