Tatyana V. Modestova, Olga Y. Demyanova

Technology “Innovative trial” as a tool of continuous improvement of pedagogical mastery

Abstract. The article is devoted to the description of the author’s technology “Innovative trial”, created in IMC of the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg. The aim of the technology is to control the process of dissemination of innovative products. The structure of the technology makes it possible to implement the process of continuous improvement of pedagogical skills in pedagogical practice based on a phased immersion in innovative activities and the interaction of teachers in various modern formats – teamwork, mentorship of school innovative teams, progress in the course of work on innovative samples along an individual educational route. All stages of “Innovation Trial” are designed in the logic of the implementation of the innovation process from the idea to its fulfillment and the description of each stage is provided with specific methodological recommendations for its realization. The participation of teachers in “Innovation Trial” involves the use of the possibilities of formal, non-formal and informal learning in the process of approbation and implementation of pedagogical innovation on the basis of their educational organization. The provision of “Innovation Test” with methodological and organizational resources allows everyone interested in designing formats for the development of professional mastery to adapt the proposed technology to support and accompany all the other types of activity of the teaching staff, where the team work of teachers takes place.

Keywords: improvement of pedagogical mastery , innovative product , Innovative trial, dissemination technology, management of the dissemination process, innovative team, team training, mentoring, mentoring , individual educational route, continuous development of the teacher.