Elena N. Dron

About the system of working with orthograms at Russian language lessons

Abstract. From year to year, the average quality indicators of spelling and punctuation tasks at the Main State Exam and Unified State Exam in Russian language decreases. Teachers and experts note a decrease in the quality of writing narrative essays, essays, final essays, the abundance of spelling and punctuation errors in them. The negative dynamics of the results of completing spelling and punctuation tasks of the Final State Certification and the general decline in the literacy of students cannot but worry. Among the reasons explaining this situation is the lack of a system work with orthogram and punctogram at Russian language lessons at the secondary level of comprehensive school. The methodology of their imposing and mastering, development of orthographic and punctuation skill, unfortunately, is being forgotten. The author of the article proposes to actualize the methodology of work with orthograms, to make their application at lessons systematic. The article defines the concepts of «Error­prone place» (orthogram), «Identifying features of an orthogram», «Selection conditions (essential features) of an orthogram», which are fundamentally important at the first stage of learning an orthogram to develop the skill of marking orthograms and conscious memorization of the rule. The paper substantiates the necessity of using samples of orthogram labeling and samples of oral explanation of the conditions for choosing an orthogram, as well as the consistent consolidation of the rule in a well­thought­out system of exercises. In addition, the article presents a fragment of a lesson map containing a model of spelling rule presentation and a system of exercises for its reinforcing.

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