Natalya B. Milyavskaya, Ekaterina K. Motuzko.

The Scope of the term «Internship» based on the experience of the Kaliningrad Regional Institute of Education Development

Abstract. This article examines the scope of the term «internship» presented in various lexicographic sources, theoretical articles in the field of pedagogy and legal literature. The authors note the absence of a clear definition of the term in all legal documents, while it is regularly used there to describe any practice­oriented educational activity. The conceptual core of the term and differences in its interpretation are emphasized. At the same time, the scope of the term «internship» differs in Russian and English. Based on the analysis of the Kaliningrad Regional Institute of Education Development activity in the field of internship organization, a complex definition of this type of educational activity is proposed. Further, on the basis of the proposed definition the authors consider the practice of organizing educational activities in the form of internships with a focus on the highlighted conceptual elements. Statistical data on the organization of internships by the Institute for the last six years has been given. At the same time, the main features embedded in this type of educational activity are highlighted, and the prospects for improving the Institute’s activity in this field are outlined. It becomes mainly possible due to the interns’ feedback analysis.