Elena N. Dron

Working with the texts of the open bank of OGE tasks in the 9th gradeRussian language classes

Abstract. Teachers widely use texts from the open OGE tasks bank to teach students how to write a concise summary on Russian language lessons or special classes to prepare ninth-graders for passing the OGE. Students perceive texts aurally and/ or visually, formulate their main idea, trace the sequence of development of the author’s thought, identify micro-topics and key words in them, identify additional information, select lexical and grammatical means that allow them to coherently and concisely convey the content of the presented text.
The author of the article suggests that the texts of the open bank of OGE tasks should be used more widely, not only as source texts for compression. They can be a didactic material for learning new things, for organizing thematic repetition, and preparing for specific tasks of the OGE Measuring and control materials. Their complex, content, stylistic analysis can become a means of developing meta-subject skills, reading literacy, and the emotional sphere of schoolchildren’s personality. A conversation on the topic and content of the text from an open tasks bank shows a way for ninth-graders to create their own texts of reflection, and therefore prepares them for writing an essay on the OGE. The educational potential of using these texts is also high. The article provides examples of working with the texts from open tasks banks.