Svetlana M. Potapenko, Irina V. Danilova

Methodology of the formation and development of financial literacy as a component of functional literacy of primary school pupils

Abstract. This methodological recommendations to primary school teachers are devoted to the practical implementation of functional literacy skills of pupils from 1 to 4 grades of the Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution of the city of Kaliningrad Gymnasium No. 32 (hereinafter called as MAOU gymnasium No.32). Within the framework of the updated Federal state educational standards for primary general and secondary general education (hereinafter, respectively — FSES PGE, FSES SGE), the use of functional literacy becomes relevant to provide opportunities for additional development of pupils from 1 to 9 grades. Particular attention is paid to the financial literacy of primary school learners (grades 1–4), which is necessary for acquiring the skills of financial adaptation and socialization in modern society. At the school level, students get acquainted with various financial concepts, phenomena, learn to apply mathematical knowledge to perform simple financial calculations. For primary school pupils, the formation of functional literacy becomes possible thanks to an integrative approach of learning (combining classroom and extracurricular activities). As an example, a fragment of the lesson which is a part of the author’s created course of extracurricular activities named “Fundamentals of financial literacy” is presented. As a part of this course, tasks for pupils are selected in accordance with their age: problems of economic content, games, practical tasks, projects and mini-studies.

Keywords: functional literacy, financial literacy, extracurricular activities, gaming technologies.