Lyudmila A. Popova

Educational infographics in distance support of schoolchildren

Abstract. Scientists consider the educational infographics as a visual representation of educational materials. With the development of modern information technologies it has become possible to create the infographics independently using digital Internet services. To use the educational infographics in the process of teaching schoolchildren, while creating it, the necessary definitions of notions, formulations of theorems, formulas, historical dates, schemes, algorithms for solving problems, diagrams, statistical data, brief additional information on a subject, interesting facts, etc. could be added. The educational infographics, having specific characteristics, for example, integrity, brevity and conciseness of the presentation of educational information, colorfulness, originality and aesthetic appeal of its design has a great pedagogical potential. Of particular interest is the possibility of using the infographics with distance support of schoolchildren who are experiencing difficulties in the learning process. In this article the author discusses the methods of distance support of schoolchildren using the infographics, such as the creation and application of educational infographics by a teacher in order to prevent and eliminate difficulties of schoolchildren in the learning process, as well as the idea of organizing independent student activity by a teacher related to the development of the educational infographics.

Keywords: difficulties of schoolchildren, educational infographics, distance support of schoolchildren.