Elena V. Kireeva

Formation of general ideas and health-saving skills among students in a secondary school

Abstract. This article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of a health culture among students in a modern school. The aim of the work is to generalize and popularize the pedagogical practices of educational organizations of the Tver region in the field of child health care. The meaning of the regional project “health Cabinet” is revealed. The main directions of work of health offices of educational organizations of Moscow are presented. Tver and the Tver region, focused on the development of the value of health among school students. The empirical part is devoted to the diagnosis of the level of formation of ideas about health in students of grades 1-6 in the implementation of the program “Talk about proper nutrition”. The practical part of the study allows us to conclude that the experience presented in educational organizations of the Tver region has a positive impact on the formation of the value of health in children.

Keywords: educational organization, health care, students, health cabinet, proper nutrition.