Natalya I. Obukhova

VUCA world and educational environment

Abstract. The article is devoted to the situation of high uncertainty of the modern world and the education system in it. The transformation of the global educational paradigm, which was caused by the pandemic, requires the mobilization of the modern school. Today we need a special synthesis of the knowledge, which is expressed in our personal competencies. The author reflects on the possibilities of the transfer of a new relevant knowledge under the conditions of generations differences in the views on the information flows. The author also assumes that the teacher in the modern school needs not only a perfect knowledge of the subject discipline. The teacher should possess a set of personal characteristics, a quality imperative which makes it possible to work freely at school. This will make the system antifragile.

Keywords: VUCA-world, education, competencies, theory of generations, generation Z, antifragility of the education system.

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