Galina A. Staselovich

Recommendations for primary school teachers on optimizing the number of assessment procedures, the study load of primary students and changing the forms of homework

Abstract. The article is devoted to the current problem of primary school students’ overload. The article defines the level, place, role and purpose of individual assessment procedures, attempts to reveal the main reasons for the need to abandon homework at the first stages of studying. Special attention is paid to factors that negatively affect on the preservation of health and the formation of educational motivation of primary schoolchildren. The article considers options for reducing the number of assessment procedures in academic subjects and changing the forms of homework at the level of primary general education. The options proposed in the article for minimizing the study load of students from the first to fourth grades are based on changes in the regulatory framework governing the health of students.

Keywords: homework, control, evaluation procedures, sanitary rules, educational load, form of training.