Elena A. Konkova 

Elena A. Konkova. Notes of the lesson on preschoolers’ cognitive development in the senior group “In the search of Father Frost’s cane”

Abstract. Readers are presented an abstract of a thematic lesson aimed at the strengthening of the knowledge gained in the learning of the profession “police officer”, as well as the development of coherent speech, thinking, creative imagination, fine motor skills. The variety of methods and techniques are used at the lesson: game situations, didactic games and exercises, practical activities, artistic activities, provocative problem questions for children. As a result, the integration of the educational areas (speech development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development) is carried out. The use of ICT-technology at this lesson helps to improve the quality of the education, increases the children’s motivation to obtain new knowledge, speeds up the process of learning, and makes the lesson more interesting.

Keywords: directly educational activity, profession “police officer”, professional orientation, game activity.