Elena A. Zaytseva 

Notes of the lesson about educational activities for social and communication development in the senior group “Lets bake a pie for Carlson”

Abstract. Readers are presented the notes of the lesson about educational activities in the senior group of the kindergarten, aimed at solving issues of the development of the interest to the game and professional orientation according to the new requirements of the Federal state educational standards. In this case, the lesson forms basic knowledge about the job of the Baker through play activities, as the game is the leading activity for preschoolers. The notes of the lesson reveal various forms of education to develop children’s ideas about the profession of the Baker and respectful attitude to this activity, to create conditions for the development of the cognitive activity in the process of making dough items. The lesson forms team skills to achieve a common goal, helps to develop logical speech, fine motor skills of hands which allows to realize the integration of various educational areas (speech, artistic, aesthetic, cognitive ones). This is one of the lessons in a series for forming ideas about adult work.

Keywords: directly educational activities, integration of educational areas, preschool education.