Irina F. Veremeeva, Svetlana N. Pepelyaeva

Methods and techniques for the development of oral speech in foreign language lessons for students of non-linguistic specialties of universities

Abstract. The publication is devoted to an overview of the possibilities of using interactive methods of teaching students in non-linguistic areas of higher education as a means of forming oral speech in the process of teaching a foreign language. The refined format of the thematic presentation, made by using the application, makes it possible to clearly demonstrate the advantages of using interactive tasks for a comprehensive solution to the problem of teaching oral speech among students of non-linguistic areas in the process of mastering a foreign language at the university. The material introduces the practice of overcoming standard errors observed in students’ speech in the process of teaching them oral speech using digital technologies and indicates the possibility of the innovative approach to overcoming the separation of target results necessary for the formation of professional competencies of graduates. It is concluded there is a personal students’ growth during the training period with the help of the complex mastery of cognitive, communicative, social components.

Keywords: interactive tasks, thematic presentation, speaking, integrated approach, digitalization, learning process, non-linguistic areas, higher school, foreign language.