Tatyana M. Gozman, Alexandra V. Ruzhyina.

Acmeological approach in the organization of the pedagogical council

Abstract. This article examines the use of the acmeological approach in creating events of the information and educational environment of the professional educational organization of the Kaliningrad region «Pedagogical College», in particular in the organization of pedagogical councils. The authors believe that the value of the acmeological approach is the development of the acmeological position of the teacher as a basic indicator of his professional maturity. The acmeological position is considered as a system of relations to the professional activity, high motivation for achievements in the profession, definition of meanings in professional and personal development, personal goal­setting, vision of professional perspective. Therefore, for acmeology, which studies the patterns of an adult achieving his «acme» (peaks), the problems of professional growth, self­realization, success and self­actualization of a person in various types of life, including education, self­education and professional activity, are especially important. The improvement of technologies for organizing and holding pedagogical councils are considered by the authors as one of the priority tools for the development of the acmeological position of teachers and is revealed in this logic. The article presents a generalized technology, all stages of preparation and its holding, methods and forms, as well as techniques for developing sustainable motivation of the management and teaching staff of the team.