Scientific and Pedagogical Research Valeriya P. Veidt. Implementation experience of a mentoring program: a mentor’s and mentee’s perspectiveVladimir V. Volodin. Diagnosis of focusing on the educational, disciplinary or personal model of interaction of children and students of a pedagogical university Methodology and Organization of Lifelong Learning in Pedagogy Tatyana M. Gozman, Alexandra V. Ruzhyina. Acmeological approach in the organization of the pedagogical councilNatalya B. Milyavskaya, Ekaterina K. Motuzko. The Scope of the term «Internship» based on the experience of the Kaliningrad Regional Institute of Education Development Trends in Modern Education Anastasia Y. Kolchina, Svetlana V. Nesyna. Experience in implementing the «SoundCraft» project with the use of STEAM practices in additional education of primary school children Pedagogical Technologies and Methods Larisa V. Amvroseva, Marina N. Semeryakova, Galina A. Staselovishc. Ensuring continuity in the formation of primary geographical representations of Primary and Secondary schools Education, Upbringing and Work with the Youth Dmitry B. Buyansky. Issues of teaching the history of the native land in the Kaliningrad region in accordance with the new basic educational programs of general educationOlga A. Portnova, Anna R. Lobovkina. Using digital technologies in patriotic education by a specialist working with youth Methodological Recommendations for the Teaching Community Natalia A. Borodulina, Ksenia G. Vyatchinova. Educational potential of a Mathematics lessonAnna N. Gorbacheva, Violetta N. Desyatnik. Integrated lessons on the theme «Symbols of Russia» within the framework of patriotic education: from the experience (practice) of workElena N. Dron. About the system of working with orthograms at Russian language lessonsElena A. Niorba. Features of completing and designing the part with a detailed answer of Physics Unified State Exam Download the whole number of the journal