Valeriya P. Veidt

Scientific and methodological support of the teacher: content and directions of activity

Abstract. Taking into account the justification of relevance, the article deals with the content and main directions of the scientific and methodological support of a teacher in the conditions of educational system mo­dernization. Based on the analysis of se­veral sources, the concepts of “accompany”, “support”, “scientific and methodological support” are defined; the conclusion about the need to clarify the content and directions of activities on scientific and methodological support of a pedagogue is made despite the fact of the elaboration of the problem in Pedagogical Science and educational practice. Taking into account the analysis of the Concept of creating a unified federal system of scientific and methodological support of pedagogical workers and management personnel, as well as scientific works, the content of scientific and methodological support activities of a teacher is identified and presented. In order to structure such activity, nine directions of scientific and methodological support were identified and described: training, diagnostic, informational, motivating/stimulating, advisory, psychological, correctional adaptive, analytical. By the activities of Kaliningrad Regional Institute of the educational development it was shown which activities could be realized to implement the stated directions of scientific and methodological support for a teacher. Such key approaches as activity-based and competence-based are highlighted, on the basis of which the scientific and methodological support of a teacher should be implemented. Andragogical principles of scientific and methodological teacher support (variability, targeting, individualization, joint activities, interactivity, openness) are listed and examples of their realization in the system of additional professional education are given.

Keywords: scientific and methodological support, additional professional education, professional development, constant teacher development.