Svetlana A. Ditkovskaya

Historical experience of preparing Soviet schoolchildren for working activity in 1958–1984 (on the example of educational organizations in Donbass)

Abstract. The article analyzes and summarizes the historical experience of preparing Soviet schoolchildren for working activity in General educational institutions of Lugansk and Donetsk regions in the period from 1958 to 1984. It shows the implementation of industrial training in schools, the creation of industrial training rooms, workrooms, training workshops; passing of vocational training by high school students at heavy industry enterprises, construction organizations, light and food industry enterprises, collective farms, state farms and repair and technical stations. The article analyzes the implementation of such forms of labor associations in Donbass schools as student production teams, stations for young technicians and young naturalists, technical classes, Open Days at enterprises, meetings with famous people, etc. Special attention is paid to the creation and operation of interschool educational and production complexes, as well as labor and recreation camps. The attention is focused on the positive experience of functioning of labor associations in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk region. It is concluded that a clear system of vocational guidance for high school students was created in Donbas, which included involving them in socially useful productive work and contributed to the development of hard work, the formation of citizenship, and fostering a sense of collectivism.