Lyudmila A. Evdokimova, Veronica А. Zelentsova, Andrey I. Pavlyutenko

Analysis of the results of the research of functional literacy formation among students and teachers of the Kaliningrad region

Abstract. The article demonstrates some results of monitoring the assessment of functional literacy in the dynamics of change over the past three years. The existence of correlation between the effectiveness of completing functional literacy tasks by students and teachers in the Kaliningrad region is emphasized. The importance and necessity of using “unconventional”, practice-oriented, situational tasks in the educational process are explained, during which students consider problematic issues from real life. Solving such tasks stimulates mental activity, develops the ability to formulate logical and analytical conclusions, activates the search for non-standard algorithms, and strengthens the connection between theoretical knowledge and practical skills. To form functional literacy, it is necessary to use various types of tasks in which different cognitive activities of students are manifested and their mental activity is activated. Effective work in terms of formation of students’ functional literacy cannot be planned if the teacher demonstrates professional deficits in the field of solving functional literacy tasks. To obtain qualitatively better results in terms of the formation of functional literacy, scientific and methodological support of teachers at school, municipal and regional levels is necessary, taking into account the results of monitoring and diagnosis of professional deficiencies of teachers. In some cases, tutor support of the teacher is advisable by the regional teaching methodological staff. This task can be solved, among other things, through the implementation of a mentoring system, support for the creative initiatives of teaching staff, and methodological work in professional communities. For this aim, the Kaliningrad Regional Institute for Education Development has developed several additional vocational development programmes.