Valeriya P. Veidt.

Implementation experience of a mentoring program: a mentor’s and mentee’s perspective

Abstract. Despite the apparent effectiveness of mentoring activities, which provide methodological support and guidance of teachers in the format of horizontal learning («peer to peer» / «teacher to teacher»), the experience of its participants may differ significantly. Since the experience in general does not only determine a person’s attitude to the surrounding reality, but also influences on the development of strategies, determines decision­making, etc., the experience of implementing a mentoring program may be of interest from the point of view of the effects it can have on the professional activity of a teacher. To confirm the hypothesis that mentors’ and mentees’ implementation experience of a mentoring program can be different, including negative one, the author of the article has conducted a study that allowed, on the one hand, to determine what exactly is the difference in the experience of mentors and mentees in implementing a mentoring program; on the other hand, to identify the problems that teachers most often face in the process of mentoring. The study, organized through an online survey, involved 157 mentors — active members of such regional communities as the Baltic League of Mentor Teachers, Baltic Mentor Club, Digital Mentors, and Regional Methodological Asset — and 160 mentees. Based on the results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research results, recommendations on the organization of mentoring activities and mentor training are proposed.

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